Penyet Town in Choa Chu Kang Menu

Main Course Main Course
  • Ayam Penyet Town $6.42
    • Smashed fried chicken.
  • Ayam Bakar $6.96
    • Grilled chicken.
  • Ayam Bakar Bumbu Sate $7.38
    • Grilled chicken with satay sauce.
  • Ayam Opor $7.38
    • Chicken in spiced coconut gravy.
  • Ayam Rendang $9.10
    • Rendang chicken.
  • Ayam Bumbu Bali $9.10
    • Chicken balinese-style with boil egg and fried tofu.
  • Ayam Rica-Rica $9.10
    • Hot and spicy chicken manado-style.
  • Ayam Sambal Balado $6.96
    • Smashed fried chicken with balado sambal.
  • Ayam Cabe Ijo $6.96
    • Smashed fried chicken with green chilli.
  • Kari Ayam $9.10
    • Chicken curry.
  • Sayap Penyet (3 Pieces) $7.38
    • Smashed chicken wings.
  • Empal Penyet $8.45
    • Smashed beef steak.
  • Udang Penyet (5 Pieces) $8.45
    • Crispy fried prawns.
  • Empal Sambal Ijo $9.10
    • Green chilli smashed beef steak
  • Sup Iga $9.10
    • Beef ribs soup
  • Sop Buntut $9.10
    • Oxtail soup.
  • Sotong Penyet $8.03
    • Crispy fried sotong.
  • Pecel Lele $7.38
    • Crispy fried catfish.
  • Telur Sambal $5.35
    • Stir-fried sambal egg.
  • Terong Penyet $5.35
    • Smashed fried eggplants
  • Bakso Kuah Mie (5 Pieces) $6.63
    • Beef Ball with soup. With noodles.
  • Bakso Saja (6 Pieces) $6.63
    • Beef Ball with soup.
  • Soto Ayam Lamongan $7.38
    • Chicken soup east java style.
  • Gado-Gado $6.96
    • Mixed vegetables with peanut sauce.
  • Pecel Sayur $6.31
    • Mixed vegetables with pecel sauce.
  • Bubur Ati Ampela Special $5.24
    • Chicken liver & gizzards porridge.
  • Bubur Ayam Special $5.24
    • Special chicken porridge.
  • Bubur Bakso (4 Pieces) $6.31
    • Porridge with beef ball.
  • Mie Goreng Ayam Special $6.96
    • Chicken fried noodle special.
  • Nasi Goreng Ayam Special $6.96
    • Chicken fried rice special.
  • Seafood Fried Rice Special $8.03
    • Seafood fried rice special.
  • Mie Goreng Seafood Special $8.03
    • Seafood fried noodle special.
  • Nasi Goreng Empal Special $8.45
    • Beef fried rice special.
  • Mie Goreng Bakso Sapi Spesial $8.45
    • Beef Ball fried noodle special.
  • Bihun Goreng Ayam Special $7.38
    • Chicken fried beehoon special.
  • Nasi Goreng Sayur Special $6.96
    • Vegetables fried rice special.
  • Bihun Goreng Seafood Special $8.03
    • Seafood fried beehoon special.
  • Nasi Goreng Ati Ampela Special $6.96
    • Liver Gizzard fried rice special.
  • Nasi Goreng Bakso Sapi Spesial $7.49
    • Beef Ball fried rice special.
  • Nasi Goreng Pete Special $7.49
    • Petal fried rice special.
  • Nasi Goreng Kepiting Special $8.03
    • Softshell fried rice.
  • Nasi Goreng Rendang Sapi Special $8.45
    • Beef rendang fried rice.
Special Menu Special Menu
  • Ikan Bandeng Tanpa Tulang Bakar $14.87
    • Grilled boneless milkfish.
  • Ikan Bandeng Tanpa Tulang Goreng $14.87
    • Fried boneless milkfish.
  • Ikan Sambal Tahu $15.19
    • Stir fried fish sambal tofu.
  • Ikan Bakar Penyet Town $14.87
    • Grilled fish with sweet soy sauce.
  • Ikan Goreng Penyet Town $14.45
    • Dancing crispy fried fish.
  • Bawal Sambal Tahu $13.38
    • Stir fried pomfret sambal tofu.
  • Ikan Bawal Bakar $11.66
    • Grilled pomfret.
  • Ikan Bawal Goreng $11.66
    • Fried pomfret.
  • Rendang Daging Sapi $10.70
    • Indonesian beef rendang.
  • Kepiting Crispy (2 Pieces) $9.52
    • Crispy soft-shell crab.
  • Pete Sambal Udang $9.52
    • Petal sambal prawns.
  • Buntut Bakar $9.52
    • Grilled oxtail with soup.
  • Buntut Penyet $9.52
    • Smashed fried oxtail with soup.
  • Iga Bakar $9.52
    • Grilled beef ribs with soup.
  • Iga Penyet $9.52
    • Smashed fried beef ribs with soup.
  • Sotong Sambal $9.42
    • Stir fried sambal sotong.
  • Udang Sambal (6 Pieces) $9.42
    • Stir fried sambal prawns.
  • Sotong Bakar $8.45
    • Grilled sotong.
  • Udang Bakar (5 Pieces) $8.45
    • Grilled prawns.
  • Empal Bakar $9.10
    • Grilled beef steak.
  • Lele Bakar $7.70
    • Grilled catfish.
  • Sayap Bakar (3 Pieces) $7.38
    • Grilled chicken wings.
  • Bakso Bakar (6 Pieces) $7.38
    • Grilled beef ball with soup.
  • Bakso Penyet (6 Pieces) $6.96
    • Fried beef ball with soup.
  • Sate Ayam (6 Sticks) $6.96
    • Indonesian chicken satay.
  • Tahu Telor $6.96
    • Deep fried beancurd with shrimp paste.
Side Dishes Side Dishes
  • Nasi Putih $1.07
    • Steamed rice.
  • Cah Kangkung $6.31
    • Stir fried kangkong belacan.
  • Cah Kacang Panjang $6.31
    • Stir fried long beans.
  • Cah Terong $6.31
    • Stir fried eggplant.
  • Tahu Sambal $5.89
    • Stir fried sambal tofu
  • Sambal Goreng Ati Ampela $6.31
    • Stir fried chicken livers and gizzard.
  • Pete Goreng $4.28
    • Fried petal.
  • Tumis Capcay $5.24
    • Stir fried mixed vegetables.
  • Tahu Tempe Bakar $4.49
    • Grilled tofu and tempeh.
  • Tahu Tempe Goreng $4.07
    • Fried tofu and tempeh.
  • Ati Ampela Ayam Goreng $5.56
    • Fried chicken livers and gizzards.
  • Perkedel Kentang (3 Pieces) $4.17
    • Fried smashed potato.
  • Terong Balado $5.24
    • Fried eggplant with sambal balado.
  • Terong Bakar Sambal $5.24
    • Grilled eggplant with sambal.
  • Sayur Asem $5.24
    • Indonesian sweet and sour vegetables soup.
  • Kulit Ayam Goreng $3.75
    • Crispy fried chicken skin.
  • Opor Sayur $4.17
    • Vegetables with coconut gravy.
  • Telur Dadar $3.75
    • Eggs omelette.
  • Mata Sapi (2 Pieces) $3.75
    • Eggs sunny side-up.
  • Telur Rebus (2 Pieces) $3.75
    • Boiled eggs.
  • Lalapan $2.68
    • Mixed raw vegetables.
  • Kerupuk Tahu $2.14
    • Tofu crackers.
  • Kerupuk Putih $2.14
    • White crackers.
  • Rempeyek $2.35
    • Rice flour crackers with peanuts.
  • Kerupuk Udang $1.93
    • Prawn crackers.
  • Emping $1.93
    • Melinjo crackers.
  • Kerupuk Bawang $1.93
    • Onion crackers.
  • Nasi Kuning $2.03
    • Indonesian yellow rice.
  • Lontong $1.61
    • Rice cakes.
Desserts and Snacks Desserts and Snacks
  • Gandasturi (3 Pieces) $3.75
    • Crispy fried green beans.
  • Pempek Palembang $7.49
    • Deep fried fish cake, fish skin and fishball.
  • Rujak Campur $5.35
    • Mixed fruit rojak with sweet peanut sauce.
  • Pisang Goreng (2 Pieces) $3.75
    • Crispy fried banana.
  • Pisang Goreng Coklat Keju (2 Pieces) $4.49
    • Crispy fried banana with chocolate and cheese.
  • Kentang Goreng Bumbu $3.42
    • French fries with flavor.
  • Kentang Keju $4.17
    • Cheesy French fries.
Drinks Drinks
  • Jus Alpukat $4.49
    • Fresh avocado juice.
  • Jus Sehat $4.28
    • Fresh mix vegetable and fruit juice.
  • Jus Nanas $4.17
    • Fresh pineapple juice.
  • Jus Tomato $4.17
    • Fresh tomato juice.
  • Jus Melon $4.17
    • Fresh honeydew juice.
  • Juse Rambutan $4.17
    • Fresh rambutan juice.
  • Jus Longan $4.17
    • Fresh longan juice.
  • Jus Leci $4.17
    • Fresh lychee juice.
  • Jus Jeruk Nipis $3.10
    • Fresh lime juice.
  • Jus Papaya $4.17
    • Fresh papaya juice.
  • Jus Wortel $4.17
    • Fresh carrot juice.
  • Buah Kelapa Segar $4.49
    • Fresh coconut.
  • Es Beras Kencur $4.28
    • Iced galanga.
  • Es Kelapa Jahe $4.28
    • Shredded coconut with ginger tea.
  • Es Jerapah $4.28
    • Shredded coconut with orange juice.
  • Es Degan $4.17
    • Shredded coconut with syrup.
  • Es Cendol $4.17
    • Iced chendol.
  • Es Teler $4.82
    • Iced fruits with coconut milk and syrup.
  • Es Melon Selasih $4.17
    • Iced shredded honeydew.
  • Es Jeruk Peras $3.75
    • Freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Es Cincau $3.21
    • Iced grass jelly with sea coconut.
  • Es Rambutan $3.75
    • Iced rambutan.
  • Es Longan $3.75
    • Iced longan.
  • Es Leci $3.75
    • Iced lychee.
  • Es Kolang Kaling $3.10
    • Iced atap seed topped with selasih seed.
  • Es Campur $5.24
    • Iced mixed fruits with syrup.
  • Milo Dinosaur $3.10
    • Iced Milo topped with Milo powder.
  • Milo $2.68
  • Fruit Tea Apple $2.35
  • Fruit Tea Blackcurrant $2.35
  • Fruit Tea Guava $2.35
  • Fruit Tea Strawberry $2.35
  • 1 Jug Teh Botol Sosro (4 Glasses) $7.38
    • 4 glasses.
  • Teh Botol Sosro $2.14
    • Indonesian sosro tea.
  • Es Soda Gembira $3.10
    • Iced happy soda.
  • Es Segar Dingin $2.03
    • Iced lemon squash.
  • Es Mega Mendung $2.35
    • Ice coke with milk.
  • Wedang Jahe $2.03
    • Ginger drink.
  • Es Teh Lemon $2.35
    • Freshly homemade iced lemon tea.
  • Tea $2.03
  • Coffee $2.03
  • Soft Drinks $2.03
  • Mineral Water $2.03

Nearby Sample Menus

  • Braised pork noodle
  • Tau pok
  • Peanuts
  • Pork belly noodle soup
  • Almond longan
  • Braised chicken feet
  • Pork ribs soup
  • Kai lan
  • Hoegaarden $11.66
  • Kookaburra Wings (Full) (Best Seller) $19.15
    • Chicken wings tossed in a savory blend of secret spices and paired with our cool creamy blue cheese dressing and celery. Choose mild, medium or hot.
  • Toowoomba Pasta (Best Seller) $31.99
    • Grilled shrimp, mushrooms and parmesan with fettuccine and a light tomato cream sauce.
  • Alice Springs Chicken (Best Seller) $29.85
    • Flame-grilled chicken breast topped with sautéed mushrooms, crisp strips of bacon, melted Monterey Jack and cheddar and finished with our honey mustard sauce. Served with Aussie fries.
  • Appetizer Platter $20.90
    • Can’t decide? Try a sharing portion of our combination appetizer with kookaburra wings, lemon butter calamari and crispy volcano shrimp.
  • Shrimp Caesar Salad $23.43
    • Crispy romaine and freshly made croutons tossed in our housemade Caesar dressing topped with grilled shrimp.
  • Fish and Chips $21.29
    • Tender fish, battered and deep fried until golden brown. Served with Aussie fries, coleslaw and tartar sauce.
  • Baby Back Ribs (Half) (Best Seller) $25.57
    • These fall-off-the-bone pork ribs are exactly the way ribs should be. Succulent and saucy, each rack is smoked, grilled to perfection and brushed with a tangy bbq sauce. Served with Aussie fries.
  • Stir-fried pork collar with cucumber
  • -small $ 18.90
  • -small $18.00
  • -large $36.90
  • -small $ 18.90
  • -large $ 65.90
  • -large $ 50.00
  • Crisp-fried eggplant tossed with pork floss $13.90*
  • Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng Honey $7.02
  • Behemoth 6ft5 (IPA) $16.38
  • Romaine Salad $14.04
    • Baby romaine, cherry tomatoes, parmigiano reggiano, pickled red onion, crispy wonton skin, garlic croutons, buttermilk herb dressing.
  • Garage Project Beer (Lager) $14.04
  • Coke Light $3.51
  • Cubano $17.55
    • Smoked pork shoulder, smoked virginia ham, mozzarella, house pickles, salsa roja, pressed ciabatta.
  • Arizona Arnold Palmer $7.02
  • Iced Mocha $7.60
  • Sprite (Canned Drink) $2.68
  • Khao Pad Kluk Kapi $11.24
    • Thai shrimp paste fried rice.
  • Gaeng Gaew Waan Nuer $12.73
    • Green curry beef with eggplant.
  • Pad Krapow Gai $10.17
    • Minced chicken with basil leaves.
  • Khao Pad Kaeng Khiao Wan $10.17
    • Green curry fried rice.
  • Khao Niao Mamuang $5.24
    • Sticky rice with mango
  • Khao Pad Sapparot $10.17
    • Pineapple fried rice.
  • Gai Yang $10.17
    • Thai grilled chicken.
Penyet Town

Penyet Town



1 Woodlands Road #01-31 the Tennery, Singapore 677899, Singapore








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1 Woodlands Road #01-31 the Tennery, Singapore 677899, Singapore